There is a holocaust happening in Gaza right now. Israel is committing war crimes. Mainstream media is in denial about it. Palestinian children are being massacred. Palestine is an open air prison. The Middle-East will be at war until it is stopped. Some Brave Jewish people protest about this. Jews were massacred in a holocaust, with a similar denial of silence themselves. Want to End the Violence in Gaza? Boycott Israel.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Madonna Mask

With the American invasion of Iraq and the resulting death of 1.32 million innocent people, coupled with the unconditional material support for the killing of Palestinian civilians, using American F16 fixed-wing aircraft, bombing a defenceless imprisoned population, there are now tens of millions of motivated people, inconsolable family members, angry relatives of the victims who have been motivated by these war crimes of aggression, to carry out biological warfare and wipe out human life in North America.

If the latest outbreak of Swine Flu, coupled with a previous Sars and bird flu outbreak, are not such a biological attack, then as surely as night follows day, it is just a matter of of time before a biological attack happens. The UDS has simply made too many enemies in this information age. Most experts agree with this analysis.

Swine Flu aerosoled in cinemas, shopping malls, subways, rush hour trains. Aerosols of the patogen sprayed in crowded streets, these are the poor people's nuclear weapons, nightmarish weapons of mass destruction, that can be made in a tiny laboratory, costing less than $5,000 in Mexico. This bio-weapon will create panic and fear in the US population and destroy most human life in the USA. A bio-terrorist flu, multiplying in human bodies, causing death, producing epidemics using a peptide with a patho-physiological effect.

The production of such weapon is legal in the US, research and development in biological warfare agents cannot presently be monitored. The activities of industrial dual use is unhindered. A verification process, the Bush administration rejected a long ago. Compared to chemical or nuclear weapons, biological weapons are more attractive and more deadly.

Agents of biological warfare are living organisms that reproduce themselves inside a host human and are much more potent. A tiny few grams of a biological agent, can cause damage far in excess of any US army nuclear weapon. With bio-terrorism, small amounts can be smuggled into Mexico and are very easy to hide. The freeze-dried form can be transported across the Mexican border in small amounts by mail. Seed cultures can be smuggled and a laboratory then easily produces enough to wipe out human life in the USA.

The production of biological or flu agents involves materials and equipment that are almost entirely dual-use and freely available, with uses in pharmaceutical and pesticide industries. A amall fermentation plant suitable for production of the biological flu weapon can be built for about $5,000 U.S. in Mexico. Except for a small seed stock of the deadly pathogen, no special material is required. Fermentation mediums, glucose, phosphates, peptone and a protein source are widely available and are routinely imported into the US.

A fountain pen of freeze-dried seed culture, grown for example in a fermenter in Mexico with a nutrient medium, kept at a constant temperature, can create a lethal weapon more destructive than any atomic weapon in the North America armoury. Once a biological agent is produced it is processed into a form that is stable in storage for dispersal. This can be the most difficult part but with the peptide of Swine Flu this is not a major difficulty, its neutral nature can exist indefinetly. This is the reason a flu will be used for bio-terrorism. Stability is achieved by rapid freezing and subsequent dehydration under high vacuum, a process known as freeze-drying.

In a few hours, a device mainly used in the pharmaceutical industry, reduces a solution of Swine Virus and a protein stabiliser to a dried material that is then ground down to a powder form. The simplest method to achieve attack over a widespread area like the USA is to turn the freeze-dried powder into a biological aerosol, a stable cloud of suspended microscopic droplets, each containing millions of virus particles. The droplets remain suspended in the air in major city such as Mexico City initially and then be be carried in the wind over large distances to Texas initially for example.

Biological Flu aerosols can be produced by a simple piece of machinery that sprays the virus through nozzles. Aerosol Flu will likely be the origin and method of a terrorist attacks. Aerosol dispersal, would also have allowed for control of particle size and density to have a maximum effect on a targeted American population.

A widely held view among experts, is that all steps are accessible to any organization. The virulence and the exponential growth of a killer flu may be produced in a matter of days. The incubation period of a biological weapon is an advantage for the attackers, to be on a plane out of Mexico and away after committing the horrific act. The disease would not be distinguished from a natural flu outbreak initially. Much of this information is available in freely available literature. Biological killer flu production can be carried out under legitimate biotechnology industry. Working with pathogens is extremely hazardous, however that is unikely to deter people who have lost family in the middle-east.

At the moment we have a swine virus that the UN says cannot be contained which triggers more serious question that the bio-flu raises. What happens when Swine Flu crosses with Bird Flu ? If the UN declared just a short few weeks after the outbreak that containment was impossible, what chance has the world under a killer bio-flu outbreak ? How prepared are you ?

This is the link to a mask that was designed in south-east Asia during the Sars and Bird-Flu epidemics. This matter is too serious to be highlighted simply for commercial gain. During the Bird-Flu outbreak, it was learned that a mask is only as good as the frequency of use and that nano-particles of a flu will penetrate most other masks out there, which are generally too uncomfortable for long term wear. This mask is an exception to that. Commonsense in the modern world says, you need masks for long term wear and disposables are not feasible for many reasons. Decide for yourself, because in such a scenario, it is only you, that can protect your own, whatever the so called experts tell you.

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Madonna Mask

With the American invasion of Iraq and the resulting death of 1.32 million innocent people, coupled with the unconditional material support for the killing of Palestinian civilians, using American F16 fixed-wing aircraft, bombing a defenceless imprisoned population, there are now tens of millions of motivated people, inconsolable family members, angry relatives of the victims who have been motivated by these war crimes of aggression, to carry out biological warfare and wipe out human life in North America.

If the latest outbreak of Swine Flu, coupled with a previous Sars and bird flu outbreak, are not such a biological attack, then as surely as night follows day, it is just a matter of of time before a biological attack happens. The UDS has simply made too many enemies in this information age. Most experts agree with this analysis.

Swine Flu aerosoled in cinemas, shopping malls, subways, rush hour trains. Aerosols of the patogen sprayed in crowded streets, these are the poor people's nuclear weapons, nightmarish weapons of mass destruction, that can be made in a tiny laboratory, costing less than $5,000 in Mexico. This bio-weapon will create panic and fear in the US population and destroy most human life in the USA. A bio-terrorist flu, multiplying in human bodies, causing death, producing epidemics using a peptide with a patho-physiological effect.

The production of such weapon is legal in the US, research and development in biological warfare agents cannot presently be monitored. The activities of industrial dual use is unhindered. A verification process, the Bush administration rejected a long ago. Compared to chemical or nuclear weapons, biological weapons are more attractive and more deadly.

Agents of biological warfare are living organisms that reproduce themselves inside a host human and are much more potent. A tiny few grams of a biological agent, can cause damage far in excess of any US army nuclear weapon. With bio-terrorism, small amounts can be smuggled into Mexico and are very easy to hide. The freeze-dried form can be transported across the Mexican border in small amounts by mail. Seed cultures can be smuggled and a laboratory then easily produces enough to wipe out human life in the USA.

The production of biological or flu agents involves materials and equipment that are almost entirely dual-use and freely available, with uses in pharmaceutical and pesticide industries. A amall fermentation plant suitable for production of the biological flu weapon can be built for about $5,000 U.S. in Mexico. Except for a small seed stock of the deadly pathogen, no special material is required. Fermentation mediums, glucose, phosphates, peptone and a protein source are widely available and are routinely imported into the US.

A fountain pen of freeze-dried seed culture, grown for example in a fermenter in Mexico with a nutrient medium, kept at a constant temperature, can create a lethal weapon more destructive than any atomic weapon in the North America armoury. Once a biological agent is produced it is processed into a form that is stable in storage for dispersal. This can be the most difficult part but with the peptide of Swine Flu this is not a major difficulty, its neutral nature can exist indefinetly. This is the reason a flu will be used for bio-terrorism. Stability is achieved by rapid freezing and subsequent dehydration under high vacuum, a process known as freeze-drying.

In a few hours, a device mainly used in the pharmaceutical industry, reduces a solution of Swine Virus and a protein stabiliser to a dried material that is then ground down to a powder form. The simplest method to achieve attack over a widespread area like the USA is to turn the freeze-dried powder into a biological aerosol, a stable cloud of suspended microscopic droplets, each containing millions of virus particles. The droplets remain suspended in the air in major city such as Mexico City initially and then be be carried in the wind over large distances to Texas initially for example.

Biological Flu aerosols can be produced by a simple piece of machinery that sprays the virus through nozzles. Aerosol Flu will likely be the origin and method of a terrorist attacks. Aerosol dispersal, would also have allowed for control of particle size and density to have a maximum effect on a targeted American population.

A widely held view among experts, is that all steps are accessible to any organization. The virulence and the exponential growth of a killer flu may be produced in a matter of days. The incubation period of a biological weapon is an advantage for the attackers, to be on a plane out of Mexico and away after committing the horrific act. The disease would not be distinguished from a natural flu outbreak initially. Much of this information is available in freely available literature. Biological killer flu production can be carried out under legitimate biotechnology industry. Working with pathogens is extremely hazardous, however that is unikely to deter people who have lost family in the middle-east.

At the moment we have a swine virus that the UN says cannot be contained which triggers more serious question that the bio-flu raises. What happens when Swine Flu crosses with Bird Flu ? If the UN declared just a short few weeks after the outbreak that containment was impossible, what chance has the world under a killer bio-flu outbreak ? How prepared are you ?

This is the link to a mask that was designed in south-east Asia during the Sars and Bird-Flu epidemics. This matter is too serious to be highlighted simply for commercial gain. During the Bird-Flu outbreak, it was learned that a mask is only as good as the frequency of use and that nano-particles of a flu will penetrate most other masks out there, which are generally too uncomfortable for long term wear. This mask is an exception to that. Commonsense in the modern world says, you need masks for long term wear and disposables are not feasible for many reasons. Decide for yourself, because in such a scenario, it is only you, that can protect your own, whatever the so called experts tell you.

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Monday, May 4, 2009

Swine Flu Biological Warfare Protection ?

Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Sars as Bioweapons - The head of Interpol has said "Anyone who is honest has to admit that if al Qaeda launches a spectacular biological attack which could cause contagious disease to be spread, no entity in the world is prepared for it," Noble said. "Not the U.S., not Europe, not Asia, not Africa."

A pandemic flu is the contagious disease of choice, that choice would be the H5N1 causing the high fatality rate of one in two victims. This version would be more available, since it is excreted in large amounts by birds and ducks. Human-to- human transmission of H5N1 was limited but with the arrival of H1N1 or swine flu human to human transmission is happening now. By infecting a few international travelers with a combination of both it would create worldwide panic.Creating the transmitted H5N1 + H1N1 would be relatively easy. Swapping a human receptor binding domain from a human flu virus into an H5 backbone would create the efficiency neded to transmit and such an agent would quickly scatter the killer virus worldwide.

Surgical Masks indeed most masks out there do not protect you. They are too porous to prevent the nano-particles of a virus from penetrating in such a circumstance.  Thai Silk however because of an evolved intrinsic substance demonstrated by a Japanese scientist, has shown the necessary defence against a virus. The cocoon of the silk evolved to protect itself from bacteria and viruses which used to attack them. Further the generated electrostatic qualities of two layers of silk's generated friction while breathing in and out creates an ionizing effect to render the virus harmless.

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Swine Flu Biological Warfare Protection ?

Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Sars as Bioweapons - The head of Interpol has said "Anyone who is honest has to admit that if al Qaeda launches a spectacular biological attack which could cause contagious disease to be spread, no entity in the world is prepared for it," Noble said. "Not the U.S., not Europe, not Asia, not Africa."

A pandemic flu is the contagious disease of choice, that choice would be the H5N1 causing the high fatality rate of one in two victims. This version would be more available, since it is excreted in large amounts by birds and ducks. Human-to- human transmission of H5N1 was limited but with the arrival of H1N1 or swine flu human to human transmission is happening now. By infecting a few international travelers with a combination of both it would create worldwide panic.Creating the transmitted H5N1 + H1N1 would be relatively easy. Swapping a human receptor binding domain from a human flu virus into an H5 backbone would create the efficiency neded to transmit and such an agent would quickly scatter the killer virus worldwide.

Surgical Masks indeed most masks out there do not protect you. They are too porous to prevent the nano-particles of a virus from penetrating in such a circumstance.  Thai Silk however because of an evolved intrinsic substance demonstrated by a Japanese scientist, has shown the necessary defence against a virus. The cocoon of the silk evolved to protect itself from bacteria and viruses which used to attack them. Further the generated electrostatic qualities of two layers of silk's generated friction while breathing in and out creates an ionizing effect to render the virus harmless.

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Friday, May 1, 2009

Swine Flu Bio-Terrorism ?


No footage found.

Swine Flu sprayed in cinemas,shopping malls, subways, rush hour trains. Aerosols of the patogen sprayed in crowded streets, these are the poor man's nuclear weapons, horrific weapons of mass destruction that can be made in a small laboratory. That costs less than $5,000 U.S. The weapon's objective is to create panic and fear in the civilian population and destroy most human life of countries such as the USA. A Swine flu bio-terrorist virus, capable of entering the human body multiplying, causing death, producing epidemics using a category of peptide that have a patho-physiological effect. 

The production of biological weapons is allowed in North America, research and development in biological warfare agents has no mechanism to allow it to be monitored. The activities of individuals or industry with dual use unhindered. A verification process, the Bush administration rejected sometime ago. Compared to other weapons chemical or nuclear, biological weapons are attractive to terrorists for several reasons.

Agents of biological warfare are living organisms that reproduce inside the host, they are much more potent. A few grams of a biological agent, can cause damage far in excess of a nuclear weapon. With bio-terrorism, small amounts can be smuggled into countries such as Mexico and are easy to hide. The freeze-dried form can be transported across borders in small amounts by ordinary mail and in the country itself. Seed cultures can be smuggled and laboratories then produce.

The production of biological agents involves materials and equipment that are almost entirely dual-use, with applications in pharmaceutical, food and pesticide industries. A laboratory fermentation plant suitable for the production of the biological weapons could be built with about $10,000 U.S. dollars in the US much cheaper in Mexico. Except for a small seed stock of the pathogen, no specialised materials are required. Nutrients such as a fermentation medium, glucose, phosphates, peptone and a protein source are widely available and are routinely imported into countries that have fermentation industries.

A fountain pen of freeze-dried seed culture, grown for example in a fermenter in Mexico with a nutrient medium, kept at a constant temperature, can result in a lethal weapon more destructive than an atomic weapons deployed in North America . Once the biological agent is produced, they are processed into a form that is stable in storage for dispersal. This is the most difficult part for a terrorist organisation but with the peptide of Swine Flu this is not a major difficulty, its neutral nature can exist indefinetly. This is the reason for it to be used for bio-terrorism. Stability is achieved by rapid freezing and subsequent dehydration under high vacuum, a process known as freeze-drying.

In a few hours, a device mainly used in the pharmaceutical industry, may have reduced a solution of Swine Virus and a protein stabiliser to a dried material that was ground to powder form.The simplest methods to achieve attack over a widespread area like the USA is to turn the freeze-dried powder into a biological aerosol, a stable cloud of suspended microscopic droplets, each containing millions of virus particles. The droplets remain suspended in the air in major city such as Mexico and can be carried in the wind over large distances to Texas for example.

Biological Swine Flu aerosols may have been produced by a simple piece of machinery that sprayed the virus through nozzles. Aerosol sprays and the subsequent respiratory infection may have increased the effectiveness of the pathogens. Aerosols of Swine Flu maybe the origin and method of a terrorist attacks. Aerosol dispersal, would also have allowed for control of particle size and density to have maximized the effect on the targeted population. 

A widely held view among experts, is that all steps are accessible to a terrorist organisation.The virulence and the exponential growth of the virus in the host swine may have been produced in a matter of days.The incubation period of a biological weapon is an advantage for terrorists, to be on a plane out of Mexico and away after committing the act. The disease could not be distinguished from a natural swine outbreak for quite some time. Much of the information is available in open literature. Terrorist biological weapon production can be carried on under legitimate biotechnology industry. Working with pathogens is extremely hazardous, however, a facility meant for terrorist use is unikely to be concerned with such measures.

Now we have a Swine Virus that the UN says cannot be contained it triggers more serious questions like the article above raises. Did the outbreak In Mexico have terrorist origins ? What happens when Swine Flu crosses with Bird Flu ? If the UN declares at such an early stage as this, that containment is impossible what chance has the world under the above circumstance ?

With the recent American invasion of Iraq and the resulting deaths of more than 1.3 million innocent people, coupled with the US's unconditional support for the killing of Palestinian civilians, using American F16 fixed-wing aircraft bombing a totally defenceless imprisoned population, there are now tens of millions of motivated people, inconsolable family members, angry relatives of the victims who have been motivated by this aggression to carry out such an atrocity. If the latest outbreak is not such a biological attack, then surely as night follows day it is just a question of time before it happens, as the countless occupation wars have proven.

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Swine Flu Bio-Terrorism ?


No footage found.

Swine Flu sprayed in cinemas,shopping malls, subways, rush hour trains. Aerosols of the patogen sprayed in crowded streets, these are the poor man's nuclear weapons, horrific weapons of mass destruction that can be made in a small laboratory. That costs less than $5,000 U.S. The weapon's objective is to create panic and fear in the civilian population and destroy most human life of countries such as the USA. A Swine flu bio-terrorist virus, capable of entering the human body multiplying, causing death, producing epidemics using a category of peptide that have a patho-physiological effect. 

The production of biological weapons is allowed in North America, research and development in biological warfare agents has no mechanism to allow it to be monitored. The activities of individuals or industry with dual use unhindered. A verification process, the Bush administration rejected sometime ago. Compared to other weapons chemical or nuclear, biological weapons are attractive to terrorists for several reasons.

Agents of biological warfare are living organisms that reproduce inside the host, they are much more potent. A few grams of a biological agent, can cause damage far in excess of a nuclear weapon. With bio-terrorism, small amounts can be smuggled into countries such as Mexico and are easy to hide. The freeze-dried form can be transported across borders in small amounts by ordinary mail and in the country itself. Seed cultures can be smuggled and laboratories then produce.

The production of biological agents involves materials and equipment that are almost entirely dual-use, with applications in pharmaceutical, food and pesticide industries. A laboratory fermentation plant suitable for the production of the biological weapons could be built with about $10,000 U.S. dollars in the US much cheaper in Mexico. Except for a small seed stock of the pathogen, no specialised materials are required. Nutrients such as a fermentation medium, glucose, phosphates, peptone and a protein source are widely available and are routinely imported into countries that have fermentation industries.

A fountain pen of freeze-dried seed culture, grown for example in a fermenter in Mexico with a nutrient medium, kept at a constant temperature, can result in a lethal weapon more destructive than an atomic weapons deployed in North America . Once the biological agent is produced, they are processed into a form that is stable in storage for dispersal. This is the most difficult part for a terrorist organisation but with the peptide of Swine Flu this is not a major difficulty, its neutral nature can exist indefinetly. This is the reason for it to be used for bio-terrorism. Stability is achieved by rapid freezing and subsequent dehydration under high vacuum, a process known as freeze-drying.

In a few hours, a device mainly used in the pharmaceutical industry, may have reduced a solution of Swine Virus and a protein stabiliser to a dried material that was ground to powder form.The simplest methods to achieve attack over a widespread area like the USA is to turn the freeze-dried powder into a biological aerosol, a stable cloud of suspended microscopic droplets, each containing millions of virus particles. The droplets remain suspended in the air in major city such as Mexico and can be carried in the wind over large distances to Texas for example.

Biological Swine Flu aerosols may have been produced by a simple piece of machinery that sprayed the virus through nozzles. Aerosol sprays and the subsequent respiratory infection may have increased the effectiveness of the pathogens. Aerosols of Swine Flu maybe the origin and method of a terrorist attacks. Aerosol dispersal, would also have allowed for control of particle size and density to have maximized the effect on the targeted population. 

A widely held view among experts, is that all steps are accessible to a terrorist organisation.The virulence and the exponential growth of the virus in the host swine may have been produced in a matter of days.The incubation period of a biological weapon is an advantage for terrorists, to be on a plane out of Mexico and away after committing the act. The disease could not be distinguished from a natural swine outbreak for quite some time. Much of the information is available in open literature. Terrorist biological weapon production can be carried on under legitimate biotechnology industry. Working with pathogens is extremely hazardous, however, a facility meant for terrorist use is unikely to be concerned with such measures.

Now we have a Swine Virus that the UN says cannot be contained it triggers more serious questions like the article above raises. Did the outbreak In Mexico have terrorist origins ? What happens when Swine Flu crosses with Bird Flu ? If the UN declares at such an early stage as this, that containment is impossible what chance has the world under the above circumstance ?

With the recent American invasion of Iraq and the resulting deaths of more than 1.3 million innocent people, coupled with the US's unconditional support for the killing of Palestinian civilians, using American F16 fixed-wing aircraft bombing a totally defenceless imprisoned population, there are now tens of millions of motivated people, inconsolable family members, angry relatives of the victims who have been motivated by this aggression to carry out such an atrocity. If the latest outbreak is not such a biological attack, then surely as night follows day it is just a question of time before it happens, as the countless occupation wars have proven.

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