There is a holocaust happening in Gaza right now. Israel is committing war crimes. Mainstream media is in denial about it. Palestinian children are being massacred. Palestine is an open air prison. The Middle-East will be at war until it is stopped. Some Brave Jewish people protest about this. Jews were massacred in a holocaust, with a similar denial of silence themselves. Want to End the Violence in Gaza? Boycott Israel.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Swine Flu Biological Warfare Protection ?

Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Sars as Bioweapons - The head of Interpol has said "Anyone who is honest has to admit that if al Qaeda launches a spectacular biological attack which could cause contagious disease to be spread, no entity in the world is prepared for it," Noble said. "Not the U.S., not Europe, not Asia, not Africa."

A pandemic flu is the contagious disease of choice, that choice would be the H5N1 causing the high fatality rate of one in two victims. This version would be more available, since it is excreted in large amounts by birds and ducks. Human-to- human transmission of H5N1 was limited but with the arrival of H1N1 or swine flu human to human transmission is happening now. By infecting a few international travelers with a combination of both it would create worldwide panic.Creating the transmitted H5N1 + H1N1 would be relatively easy. Swapping a human receptor binding domain from a human flu virus into an H5 backbone would create the efficiency neded to transmit and such an agent would quickly scatter the killer virus worldwide.

Surgical Masks indeed most masks out there do not protect you. They are too porous to prevent the nano-particles of a virus from penetrating in such a circumstance.  Thai Silk however because of an evolved intrinsic substance demonstrated by a Japanese scientist, has shown the necessary defence against a virus. The cocoon of the silk evolved to protect itself from bacteria and viruses which used to attack them. Further the generated electrostatic qualities of two layers of silk's generated friction while breathing in and out creates an ionizing effect to render the virus harmless.

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